I enjoy both my sons attending the Seed of Hope. Starting with my oldest son he was able to gain some social skills that he really needed and he was able to make friends. To hear him come home every time he attended and talk about all the new things he learned, made me smile. It was something he really enjoyed participating in. They both would ask me when was the next time they could attend again. The Seed of Hope allowed both my sons to explore different things. The volunteers were such a great help to the kids. They all display patience and support. I love the program because it gave them a different learning experience. My youngest is a quiet person that really doesn’t talk much or do much. To see him attend the program and step out of his comfort zone was beautiful to see.
I volunteer because I love to see the kid's growth. My favorite part is helping them do activities. I love the never give up attitude from the kids while participating in activities.
I like volunteering because of the fun experiences and leadership opportunities. Each child makes it all worthwhile.
I love the positive outcomes of various literary needs of the kids, but nothing beats their smiles of achievement.
It was my pleasure to volunteer for the Cool Kids Club. Watching the growth of the children brought purpose to my life.
I had fun and enjoyed being with my friends!